Tento kurz sa už odohral.


O kurze

Knowledge of BUSINESS PROTOCOL AND SOCIAL ETIQUETTE should be an automatic "equipment" not only for managers or business owners, but also for employees of secretariats and assistants. During the intensive course, I will guide you through the world of work rules: ✅ You will learn how to welcome business partners in accordance with the protocol, but also how to deal with the rules of procedure when negotiating or organizing social events. ✅ You will learn what professional telephone and email communication should look like, as well as trends in clothing. ✅ After the training, you will no longer be foreign or etiquette on a business trip, and if you find yourself in the company of foreign guests, you will be aware of protocol differences in the countries of Europe, Asia and the USA. Avoid faux-pas and be sure in every situation. Learn the basics of business protocol, which will make it easier for you to negotiate effectively and help you build a corporate and personal brand.
access_time Dĺžka: 3 hod
network_cell Náročnosť: Pokročilý
nature_people Typ aktivity: Mix
language Jazyk kurzu: Anglický jazyk
location_on Kurz sa zrealizuje online (prostredníctvom videa)
people_outline Počet miest: 1
event_note Začiatok kurzu: 18.01.2022 14:00
event_note Koniec kurzu: 18.01.2022 17:00

Osnova kurzu

check Protocol and etiquette
check Introduction and meeting
check Business and social contact
check Telephone communication and written contact
check Dress-code
check Differences in countries in Europe, Asia, USA

Lektor je Monika Toth-Zakariásová


Komunikácii a marketingu sa venujem od roku 2007. Pôsobila som na pozícii PR manažérky, líderky internej komunikácie a súčasne sa špecializujem aj na digitálny marketing a zákaznícku cestu. Školila som desiatky firiem aj individuálnych klientov. Počas mojich školení klienti oceňujú najmä aplikáciu skúseností v praxi, interaktivitu a riešenie modelových situácií. V súčasnosti sa popri realizácii školení venujem aj zviditeľňovaniu značky mojich klientov v online priestore i za hranicami SR.

Pre koho je kurz určený?

Managers at all levels of management Traders, Diplomats Workers whose nature of work requires perfect control of the social protocol

Miesto konania

Kurz sa zrealizuje online (prostredníctvom videa alebo streamu). Pozvánku Vám zašle samotný lektor.

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